Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Be Still

Photo by Brian Shakley
Lately, I have struggled with a morning routine. Which ends up making me feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get the things I want, and the things I need, to get accomplished, done. It's a frustrating and defeating cycle. But without fail, in my rushed moments of prayer, God whispers to my heart to be still. Thats it, just be still. Be still so that I can listen, absorb his sovereignty, and focus my goals to align with the path he has set before me. One day I will sit down and write down the story of how this little dream came to be, but until then, this verse pretty much sums it up.

Naturally I am a planner, so this is hard for me to grasp at times. BUT God's timing and plan is perfect. The plans I make for myself will never be, and again, that is a hard pill to swallow when you've got plans and dreams and drive. God wants to use that fire inside of my heart, but just for the right things at the right times. So for now, I will do my best to BE STILL and know that he protects and guides me in the best direction, always. 

A song I heard on Way FM the other day really captures this concept. Listen and fall in love! 

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