2013 has been my most eventful year to date. So many things have happened!! It has been a year of goal setting, dream chasing, faith building, healing, forgiveness, and so much more. Although those things were often incredibly challenging, I am so grateful.
I was thinking today about the story God gives us to tell. My story this year has contained a lot wonderful things that I've shared with you, but also a lot of hurt and pain that I have (for the most part) kept quiet. As I remember the difficult moments, I am remembering my state of surrender. At times it felt like failure, like I was giving up, but It happens to be nothing of the sort. My open, worn and broken heart has transformed and is more ready for God's love than it has ever been before. How amazing is it that God can turn the ugliest moments and the ugliest cries into beautiful moments of love, grace and redemption?! I am so blown away by that. I have "believed" in God all my life, but have never experienced this level of his love.
This has changed my views on the "New Years resolution" completely. Usually I am listing off the typical : lose weight, save more money, eat better... Blah blah. Well in theory those are great goals to have and are positive and achievable. But this year is going to be about my core.
Ever heard of KISS? Keep It Simple Stupid.
This year I focus on two words. So my words for 2014 are LESS and MORE.
Less stress, More prayer.
Less control, More faith.
Less stuff, More meaning.
Less greed, More thanks.
Less negativity, more love.
... To name a few.
What words will you focus on in 2014? What can I pray for you as you begin the new year?